The intent of this design artifact was to showcase, “Who Uses Social Media?” Based on various demographical groups, this infographic shows the occurrence in which groups and sub-groups of varying ages, gender, ethnicity, income, and education all use social media.

The intended audience of this infographic are male and female ages 28 to 45 who have interest in both technology and business. Tech Crowd is a mid-priced magazine company that features articles, opinion pieces, statistics, and stories that tap into a variety of genres among their target audience. Tech Crowd keeps their audience up-to-date on everything involving the technological world and how their audience can keep up with the latest trends of technology, business, and cultural. Tech Crowd not only helps their audience uncover the world around them, but also uncover themselves.

To be effective, the design artifact needed to showcase the percentages/averages in which varying demographical groups used at least one social media platform. The relationship between the variables based on the given data set will be shown by the average percentages in how certain group within a demographic use social media and/or the percentage total in how each group compares to the other groups within the demographic. This infographic ensures that the complex data accumulated is represented in simple and compelling visual format.
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